Category: Overview

  • Retrospective 27-52

    I managed to get 26 posts in 3 months but 52 posts has taken me more than 8 months. I’ve slowed down but that’s okay. My schedule has been regular which is probably better in the long run. I’ve never managed to get hugely ahead of schedule though. I think I’ve written a one or…

  • Retrospective 1-26

    One of my original goals with this blog was to manage 26 posts in 6 months. Here I am in 3 months. Well done me. This one is both a retrospective of that achievement and my thoughts about retrospectives themselves. I think they’re a good idea but… I’m not entirely sure they work. Retrospectives Maybe…

  • What is Balance Programming?

    Software development has many goals. The code needs to be written quickly, clearly, with limited resources and so on. The software itself needs to be fast, easy to use, run on many platforms and more. As you achieve more of one goal it’s probably at the cost of another. If you software is highly optimised…